Contact: Austin Altenburg

Governor’s reforms turned around state economy and helped create jobs

[Madison, Wis.] – On Monday, Scott Walker’s campaign launched a new statewide television ad, featuring a central Wisconsin family business and its workers highlighting how the governor’s bold reforms jumpstarted the economy and “absolutely” led to jobs and economic growth across Wisconsin. After Gov. Walker helped lead Wisconsin’s Comeback from the Great Recession, Kafka Granite roughly doubled its number of employees – and now, another expansion is in progress.

With Governor Walker leading the way with $8 billion in tax cuts and reforms that helped grow our economy, business investment has returned to our state and jobs are being created as a result. We’ve set all-time lows in the unemployment rate and all-time highs in the workforce participation rate. Now is the time to keep moving forward – not backward, as the governor’s opponents would take us – to help everyone in Wisconsin win the 21st century.

You can watch the ad, entitled “The Wisconsin Comeback” here. The ad begins:

Glenn Kafka: We worked hard to keep our family business going during the recession. Fortunately, we were able to hold on and not lay anybody off.

Tiffany Kafka: And thanks to Governor Walker’s economic reform and tax cuts, we started growing.

Glenn Kafka: We’ve added forty new jobs since the Wisconsin comeback.

Dean (Maintenance Manager): Good-paying jobs that support families like mine.

Dylan (Diesel Mechanic): And support our community too.

Governor Walker: You know, more people are working now than ever before. And unemployment, it’s hit an all-time low. Our reforms are helping Wisconsin’s economy grow.

The spot will run on television as well as on a range of online and social media platforms. It’s the seventh in a series of ads the Walker campaign is running on the governor’s strong record of getting positive things done and his plans for more bold reform to help Wisconsin win the 21st century.

Previous Walker campaign ads include “Helping People Like Me” about building a high-skilled workforce, and “To Save Lives” about Gov. Walker’s bipartisan efforts fighting the opioid crisis and tackling serious problems for hard-working families. In addition, “Providing a Leg Up” is about the good jobs and workforce training the governor has supported as part of Wisconsin’s comeback, and “To Help People” discusses the governor’s support for initiatives to help students with disabilities enter the workforce. “Lower Premiums for Wisconsin Families” addresses the governor’s efforts to lower health care premiums after Washington failed to get the job done of repealing Obamacare, and finally “Students First” to highlight the governor’s commitment to ensuring student success across the state.

See below for more information on Governor Walker’s bold reforms to grow Wisconsin’s economy and help create jobs in all corners of the state:

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