Contact: Austin Altenburg
Total for governor, lieutenant governor, Republican Party of Wisconsin exceeds same time period in 2014
[Madison, Wis.] – Scott Walker and Wisconsin Republicans announced today that they have more than $8.6 million cash on hand at the conclusion of the recent June 30 finance reporting period. That amount exceeds the more than $8.4 million they had on hand after the same time period four years ago.
“I’m grateful for the continued support from across our state as we fight to keep moving Wisconsin forward,” Governor Walker said. “We’ve built a strong campaign, and our grassroots army will be critical to fighting off the big government special interests and enacting our positive agenda to help Wisconsin win the 21st century.”
The fundraising total continues to reflect the energized support for the governor’s campaign. The more than $8.6 million includes:
• Nearly $6 million cash on hand for Friends of Scott Walker, with nearly $5.5 million raised and nearly 86 percent of donations at $100 or less, signaling strong continued grassroots support for the governor’s campaign for more bold reform. Since January 2017, the campaign has raised nearly $13 million.
• More than $1.7 million cash on hand for People for Rebecca after raising more than $450,000, which continues to position Lieutenant Governor Kleefisch with more cash on hand than any lieutenant governor in Wisconsin’s history.
• Nearly $1 million cash on hand for the Republican Party of Wisconsin’s state account after raising nearly $2.5 million, which is nearly $2 million above what the party raised four years ago. Since 2011, the Republican Party of Wisconsin has maintained a robust year-round campaign presence with offices and field staff deployed across the state.
News reports have indicated that liberal Washington, D.C. special interests – including President Obama’s political machine Organizing for America, Obama Attorney General Eric Holder’s National Democratic Redistricting Committee, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, SEIU, ACLU, pro-abortion groups, and others – are targeting Wisconsin to undo the reforms the governor and Wisconsin Republicans have fought for in our state.