A new campaign ad from Gov. Scott Walker says the guv’s education policies are “putting students first.”
The 30-second ad features Anita, an elementary school teacher in Racine who credited Walker with giving schools enhanced flexibility “ to put money where it matters most, in our classroom.”
“I can tell you one size does not fit all when it comes to our kids, and Governor Walker gets it,” she says.
Walker then concludes the ad by highlighting the budget’s increase of K-12 funding by $636 million, the continued UW System tuition freeze and the greater funding for tech college programs.
The ad, the campaign’s sixth, is running on TV and online statewide. A campaign spokesman declined comment on the size of the ad buy and how long the ad is running. The liberal One Wisconsin Now, which tracks ad buys, says Walker has a $1.5 million buy on Wisconsin TV through early July.