Contact: Karen Hickey, 414-573-7579,

Today the Supreme Court decided against workers in a 5-4 decision. The political attack at the Supreme Court in the case Janus v. AFSCME Council 31 threatens to undermine worker freedoms and rig our democracy and economy even further against working people.

“While billionaires and the corporate interests behind the Janus case use their power and wealth to continue to rig our economy against working people, workers are busy building a movement to rewrite the rules of our economy to create broadly shared prosperity,” said Phil Neuenfeldt, President of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO. “Workers are on the rise and the Supreme Court can’t stop us. At a time when our democracy and economy are rigged to overwhelmingly favor the wealthy, America needs unions now more than ever so our middle class can thrive.”

“Workers will steadfastly continue to join together and stand together in union for dignity and respect on the job,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, Secretary-Treasurer. “The Wisconsin labor movement recommits today, tomorrow and every day to fight on behalf of America’s workers. The Janus decision is a step backwards in the forward progression of our country but working people will stand together and continue our long march for living wages, a voice on the job and full worker rights.”

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