Contact: Kara O’Keeffe

Madison, Wis. – The Wisconsin Community Action Program Association (WISCAP) recently donated materials to the Wisconsin Historical Society that consist of board and committee minutes, annual reports, newsletters, press releases and subject files on WISCAP initiatives.

“The donation from WISCAP will be a great tool for researchers and others needing first person resources for work on community action programs,” said Matt Blessing, State Archivist for the Wisconsin Historical Society.

WISCAP, the statewide association for Wisconsin’s sixteen community action agencies, was incorporated on March 1, 1974. The private, not-for-profit corporation works to bring economic self-sufficiency to Wisconsin’s low-income households through various programs, including housing, job and skill training, energy assistance and food security.

“These documents help trace more than fifty years of anti-poverty efforts in Wisconsin. Researchers interested in primary source material on WISCAP and its statewide network of community action agencies will find this collection highly rewarding,” said Brad Paul, executive director of WISCAP. “We are pleased to make this gift to the Wisconsin Historical Society.”

The records are cataloged and available as part of the Society’s Archives and can be accessed by visiting the Archives Reading Room at the Wisconsin Historical Society.  A detailed online inventory of the collection will be linked from the catalog record at a future date.

For more information or to request a reading room view click here.

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