Media Contact: Neil Kline, Communications Specialist, 608-224-4520, 

MADISON – The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the University of Wisconsin System today announced the meeting schedule for the nine sub-committees of the Wisconsin Dairy Task Force 2.0. At the August Task Force meeting, members created nine sub-committees which they volunteered to serve on. The meetings will take place in October and November at various locations around the state.

“These sub-committee meetings provide an opportunity to discuss in-depth the issues that were identified at the first Task Force meeting in August,” said Task Force Chairman Mark Stephenson. “The hope is that these sub-committees can begin to develop ideas to address these issues, and perhaps begin to report some of their preliminary thoughts back to the full Task Force at the next general meeting sometime in November or December.”

“We are pleased with the interest and commitment by those serving on the Task Force, but it is also vital that others involved in the dairy industry take time to provide their input,” said DATCP Secretary Sheila Harsdorf. “I encourage farmers, processors, and others involved in the dairy industry to share their thoughts and suggestions with the Task Force either by talking to a Task Force member or providing their comments at”

The Task Force is charged with making recommendations on actions needed to maintain a viable and profitable dairy industry in Wisconsin. In the late 1980’s, the UW System and DATCP created a dairy task force in response to concern over the competitiveness, profitability and economic viability of the state’s dairy industry at that time. The 75 recommendations of that task force, many of which have been implemented by the industry, have been instrumental in retaining Wisconsin as a leading dairy state.

The economic impact of the dairy industry in Wisconsin is significant, generating $43.4 billion in state-wide economic impact every year and creating nearly 80,000 jobs. The industry accounts for nearly half of Wisconsin agriculture’s total economic impact.

A listing of Task Force Sub-Committee meeting locations and dates listed below are also available online at


Wisconsin Dairy Task Force 2.0

First Sub-Committee Meeting Dates and Locations


Rural Communities Support and Infrastructure

When:              October 8th, 2018 at 10AM

Where:             The MacKenzie Center

W7303 County Highway CS

Poynette, WI 53955


Access to Capital

When:              October 15th, 2018 at 10AM

Where:             Wisconsin State Patrol-

Tomah Post

23928 Lester McMullen Drive

Tomah, WI 54660-5376


Education and Workforce

When:              October 22nd, 2018 at 10AM

Where:             The MacKenzie Center

W7303 County Highway CS

Poynette, WI 53955


Consumer Confidence and Perception

When:              October 24th, 2018 at 10AM

Where:             The University of Wisconsin-

Fond du Lac

Admin/Extension Bldg.

Room 242

400 University Dr.

Fond du Lac, WI 54935


Price Volatility and Profitability

When:              October 29th, 2018 at 10AM

Where:             Dept. of Natural Resources

Black River Falls Office

910 HWY 54 E

Black River Falls, WI 54615



When:              October 30th, 2018 at 10AM

Where:             Wisconsin State Patrol

Tomah Post

23928 Lester McMullen Drive

Tomah, WI 54660-5376


Regulatory Certainty

When:              October 31st, 2018 at 10AM

Where:             The University of Wisconsin-

Stevens Point

Dreyfus University Center

Room 378

1015 Reserve Street

Stevens Point, WI 54481


Product and Process Innovation and Invention

When:              November 5th, 2018 at 10AM

Where:             The University of Wisconsin-

Stevens Point

Dreyfus University Center

Room 223

1015 Reserve Street

Stevens Point, WI 54481


Next Generation

When:              November 7th, 2018 at 10AM

Where:             Dept. of Natural Resources

Black River Falls Office

910 HWY 54 E

Black River Falls, WI 54615