Friday December 7, 2018
9:30 am – 12:30 pm

WDNR Central Office, 101 S. Webster St., Madison, Room 513
9:30 am Welcome Meleesa/Chad

9:40 Agenda review and adjustments Meleesa/Chad
& review of notes from last meeting

9:45 DNR updates Joe Van Rossum
Guidance documents

10:00 Hazardous Waste Rule Revisions Andrea Keller

10:35 2018 Re-cap – DNR follow-up Kate Strom Hiorns
Alternative Capping Plans
C&D Recommendations
Groundwater Monitoring Guidance

10:45 Break

11:00 Charter, Group Expectations, and Subgroup Plans
Food and organics residuals reduction management Meleesa/Bart
Offboarding discussion for the subgroup
Reflection of what was accomplished/future policy needs
Construction and demolition waste Alan/Bart/John
C&D Landfills subgroup final proposals timeline
Recycling innovation – on hold Amber/Lynn/Meleesa

12:00 Succession/Leadership Planning, 2019 meeting dates and topics

12:30 Wrap-up and adjourn

Next Meeting: February 8, 2019, location tbd

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