Contact: Kara O’Keeffe

Neosho, Wis. – The Wisconsin Historical Society placed the Neosho Village Hall in Neosho, Dodge County on the State Register of Historic Places on May 18, 2018.

The Neosho Village Hall, constructed in 1922 of locally manufactured, formed concrete blocks, is historically significant as the long-standing center of municipal government, originally having Village governmental offices, the fire department, and the local jail. This was the first village hall and it served the community for sixty-seven years making it the most significant building constructed for local government use in the Village’s history. Through the construction of this building, the Village consolidated the functions of a village hall, fire department, jail, and added a stage to create a community center. Prior to this building, the Village government had no formal place for their fire department. Its use as a community center is also notable with its large open interior and stage suitable for plays and dances.

The State Register is Wisconsin’s official list of state properties determined to be significant to Wisconsin’s heritage. The State Historic Preservation Office at the Wisconsin Historical Society administers both the State Register and National Register in Wisconsin.