Contact: Kara O’Keeffe

Madison, Wis. – The Wisconsin Historical Society placed the Klueter & Company Wholesale Grocery Warehouse (Madison, Dane County) on the State Register of Historic Places on August 17, 2018.

The Klueter & Company Wholesale Grocery Warehouse is a striking example of the Prairie School style applied to an industrial building and further, is unique as the only warehouse of this style in Madison. The building’s strong horizontal lines are evident on the first and fifth stories of the building through the use of raised-brick banding and a soldier brick beltcourse that underscores the uppermost level. Additional horizontality is achieved through the use of successive banks of industrial windows against a flat wall surface. Finally, each of the building’s corner towers is adorned with Prairie School-influenced, geometric ornamentation executed in raised brick. The building was designed by Madison architect Alvan Small, who is one of Wisconsin’s notable architects. Indeed, in 1995, the warehouse building was identified as one of Small’s finest, non-residential buildings designed in the Prairie School style, a style in which he excelled.

The State Register is Wisconsin’s official list of state properties determined to be significant to Wisconsin’s heritage. The State Historic Preservation Office at the Wisconsin Historical Society administers both the State Register and National Register in Wisconsin.

To learn more about the State and National Register programs in Wisconsin, visit

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