Rep. Michael Schraa
(608) 267-7990
Rep. Evan Goyke
(608) 266-0645
(Madison, WI) Representative Michael Schraa (R-Oshkosh) and Representative Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee) championed the Wisconsin Model, a transformational approach to dealing with juvenile offenders.
Serious Juvenile Offenders will be placed in smaller, more local secure facilities under the Department of Corrections, as Governor Walker proposed. Secure Residential Care Centers for Children and Youth will be established to serve other youthful offenders, who will be under the supervision of the counties.
“This trail blazing legislation addresses public safety with secure facilities, while treating underlying causes and rebuilding lives, close to home and close to the community,” said Schraa. “Legislators from both houses and both sides of the aisle have worked together to develop the ‘Wisconsin Model,’ our own approach to juvenile justice reform.”
The unanimous passage of AB 953 follows weeks of bi-partisan collaboration among legislators, state agencies and stakeholders.
“I am honored to have worked closely with Rep. Schraa on the crafting of the legislation and passage of this bill,” Rep. Goyke stated following today’s floor period.
“This legislation accomplishes great things for our communities, counties, and justice system – both juvenile and adult. Incarcerated youth will now have access to the services and rehabilitation they need while accomplishing these goals closer to their home and families. This is a proven model in other States like Missouri and I am proud to work with Rep. Schraa for our State to make ‘The Wisconsin Model.’
“I want to say thank you for all that have worked so hard for so long, especially those in my community, to bring change to Wisconsin’s Juvenile Justice system. I am grateful for the support and hard work of my colleagues including Reps. Kleefisch, Born, Crowley, Bowen and especially the Chairman of the Corrections Committee Rep. Michael Schraa – special thanks are owed to the work of Rep. Schraa on working together to get this done.”
AB 953 now goes to the Senate for consideration.