Media Contact: Heather Weininger
Wisconsin Right to Life
5317 N. 118th Ct.
Milwaukee, WI 53225
“D.C. Circuit Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh is an excellent jurist, who understands that the role of judiciary is to interpret the law, not make the law,” stated Heather Weininger, Executive Director of Wisconsin Right to Life. “We thank President Trump for nominating another experienced, originalist jurist who will uphold the Constitution.”
Judge Kavanaugh has served on the D.C. Circuit Court since 2006, and previously served as staff secretary and senior associate counsel to President George W. Bush. He also clerked for Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.
In Kavanaugh’s dissent in Garza v. Hargan, he asserted that requiring the Trump Administration to assist a teenage immigrant in getting an abortion would fail to recognize the government’s “permissible interest in favoring fetal life, protecting the best interests of a minor, and refraining from facilitating abortion.”
In Priests for Life v. HHS, Kavanaugh wrote that Obamacare’s HHS abortifacient mandate to religious entities “substantially burden the religious organizations’ exercise of religion because the regulations require the organizations to take an action contrary to their sincere religious beliefs or else pay significant monetary penalties.”
“Unfortunately, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin has already signaled that she would rather cave to pressure from the abortion lobby rather than give Judge Kavanaugh due consideration based upon his experience and qualifications,” continued Weininger. “Senator Baldwin will be held accountable for her actions during this confirmation process by Wisconsin Right to Life and our grassroots supporters.”