For Immediate Release
July 17, 2018
Contact: Courtney Beyer,

MADISON — In light of yesterday’s news that Scott Walker met with a Russian national who has since been charged as part of Russia’s ongoing plot to interfere in our democracy, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chairwoman Martha Laning is calling for Scott Walker to disclose additional contacts he had with foreign nationals during and leading up to his failed presidential campaign:

“Now that we know Scott Walker met with a Russian operate seeking to infiltrate our politics, Wisconsinites are asking for transparency from Walker. The public deserves a full accounting of any other meetings he held with Russian nationals or other foreign interests in the lead-up, during, and following his presidential campaign. Walker must disclose all foreign contacts he made immediately. Walker must further explain the $1 million his PAC took from Russian oligarch Len Blavatnik, any commitments that were made in exchange for that money, and what access Blavatnik or other foreign nationals were granted to his campaign following or leading up to the donation.

“Walker refused yesterday to condemn Donald Trump’s press conference with Vladimir Putin, which John McCain called ‘one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.’ Wisconsinites deserve to know that they have a governor who will put their interests ahead of any foreign interests, and that their governor will stand up to anyone who is looking to interfere in our free and fair elections.”