For Immediate Release
October 4, 2018
Contact: Courtney Beyer,

MADISON — Wisconsin Democrats launched WIWILLVOTE.COM today, a resourceful landing page where Wisconsinites can pledge to vote for the Democratic ticket and quickly find information about the November 6 midterm elections. WI Will Vote is just one part of a large scale voter outreach effort by the Party and its partners to contact and inform voters ahead of November’s general election.

WIWILLVOTE.COM enables voters to:

Pledge to vote for the Democratic ticket

Learn more about Democratic candidates on the ballot in their part of the state

Find volunteer opportunities with Wisconsin Democrats

Find their polling place

Register to vote and confirm registration via connecting to the Wisconsin Voter Registration website

“Democrats are energized like never before, but we need to make sure they’re bringing that energy to the polls on November 6th,” said Martha Laning, Democratic Party of Wisconsin chair. “There’s a lot at stake for Wisconsinites this November — health care is on the ballot, our schools are underfunded, and our crumbling roads are in desperate need of repair. That’s why we’re meeting voters where they are, whether that’s online or in their community, to give them the tools and information to cast their ballot in November for Wisconsin Democrats.”