Contact: Brad Bainum,

Vukmir and Nicholson also want to see protections for 133 million Americans with pre-existing conditions declared unconstitutional
MADISON — It’s no secret that Republican U.S. Senate candidates Leah Vukmir and Kevin Nicholson want to ban all abortions and even some common forms of birth control, but Vukmir and Nicholson both also want to see Roe v. Wade — the seminal Supreme Court decision which established that the constitutional right to privacy protects a woman’s right to have an abortion — overturned.
  • Leah Vukmir, one of the most fiercely anti-choice members of the Wisconsin state legislature, has previously said that Roe v. Wade was a “disastrous” decision.
  • Kevin Nicholson similarly wants to see Roe v. Wade overturned. Over the weekend, Nicholson told the Washington Post that he “would support judges who [are] likely to overturn Roe,”saying, “I believe that life begins at conception, and any conservative jurist that I would support would believe the same.”

It’s difficult to overstate the severity of Vukmir and Nicholson’s anti-choice extremism: they want to see Roe v. Wade overturned, then pass zero-exception abortion bans along with “personhood” measures that “would criminalize certain forms of birth control.”

And overturning Roe v. Wade isn’t the only ultraconservative litmus test that Vukmir and Nicholson would impose on prospective Supreme Court justices. Vukmir and Nicholson are also pushing for the Supreme Court to strike down the Affordable Care Act’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions as unconstitutional — which could threaten 133 million Americans’ health care access.

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