For Immediate Release
August 27, 2018
Contact: Courtney Beyer,

MADISON — Scott Walker is in Milwaukee today to stage a photo op at the newly completed Zoo Interchange construction project, but he seems to have forgotten that it was thanks to his mismanagement that the project faced numerous delays that ultimately increased the final taxpayer cost of the project by tens of millions of dollars.

“For Scott Walker to take any amount of credit for this project’s completion is absurd,” said Courtney Beyer, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson. “As governor, Walker has neglected our roads and diverted funding away from local road projects to shower Foxconn with corporate handouts. His own transportation secretary even criticized Walker for failing to fund infrastructure repair. At the end of the day, Walker can’t run from the fact that he put his own political ambitions over the future of our state.”

The Zoo Interchange construction project has been one of the largest transportation projects in Wisconsin’s history, and it’s the most traveled interchange in the state. Walker promised it would be completed in 2019, but that deadline will be missed following numerous delays. Last week Democratic leaders and local laborers and operating engineers toured the state calling on Scott Walker to fix Wisconsin’s roads which rank 44 out of 50 states in quality.

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