Contact: Courtney Beyer,

MADISON — Democratic lt. governor nominee Mandela Barnes will make the final stop of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s “Hands Off Our Care” tour TOMORROW in Madison. Barnes, joined by local leaders and health care advocates, will speak specifically to Scott Walker’s extreme agenda that has severely limited women’s access to a full range of health care options.

As Governor, Scott Walker passed a 20-week abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest. During his 2010 campaign, he went so far as to say he wanted to make abortion illegal–even in cases where the woman’s life is at stake. He’s made devastating cuts to Planned Parenthood that led to the closure of 5 rural health clinics serving 3,000 women with services ranging from providing birth control, cancer screening and STD testing and treatment.


MADISONThursday, August 30 at 9:30 AM State Capitol (West Side Steps)
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