Contact: Alec Zimmerman
(608) 257-4765
[Madison, WI] — The Republican Party of Wisconsin is launching a statewide radio ad today in support of Leah Vukmir for U.S. Senate. Vukmir, a proven conservative who has stood with Governor Scott Walker and Republican leaders during their toughest fights, won the endorsement of hundreds of grassroots conservatives at the Republican Party of Wisconsin 2018 convention. The radio ad “The Wisconsin Way” launches following a statewide tour of WISGOP field offices by Vukmir and WISGOP Chair Brad Courtney.
The radio ad begins with a narrator saying: There’s a lot of noise coming out of Washington, not much is about the real issues we care about in Wisconsin.
That’s why we need grassroots conservative Leah Vukmir in the U.S. Senate.
As the daughter of immigrants, Leah doesn’t just believe in the American Dream, she’s lived it. And she’ll fight to secure the border and build the wall to keep our families safe.
As a committed parent, Leah fought to improve her kid’s schools. She’ll make sure decision making stays local and our children receive the best education. 
As a blue star mom, Leah knows the sacrifice our heroes make. She’ll work with President Trump to fully fund our military and take care of our veterans.
And as a proven conservative, Leah stood with Governor Scott Walker and Republican leaders in the tough fights that made the Wisconsin comeback possible. 
She’ll take the Wisconsin Way to Washington.
On August 14th, vote Republican Leah Vukmir for U.S. Senate.