Contact: Alec Zimmerman
(608) 257-4765
WisGOP: Too liberal for Wisconsin: Baldwin shows far-left allegiances once again
Leah Vukmir would fight for our Wisconsin way in Washington
[Madison, WI] — Tammy Baldwin is too liberal for Wisconsin. From her embrace of government-run health care that would hike taxes on hard-working Wisconsin families, to her support of partial-birth abortion, time and again Baldwin has proven that her views are far outside of the mainstream, and that Wisconsin families come second to her Washington party bosses. Following tonight’s debate, the Republican Party of Wisconsin released the following statement from Executive Director Mark Morgan:
“Tammy Baldwin is a Madison liberal who has spent twenty years picking Washington over Wisconsin. Baldwin failed Wisconsin veterans at the Tomah VA, she failed Wisconsin families when she voted over 400 times in favor of higher taxes and fees, and she failed our state when she signed on to government-run health care that would end private insurance for millions. Baldwin even failed to condemn partial-birth abortions. Time and again, Tammy Baldwin has shown that she’s too liberal for Wisconsin.”
Tammy Baldwin’s Record Picking Washington Over Wisconsin 
  • Tammy Baldwin failed Wisconsin’s veterans when she sat on a report documenting the overprescription of opioids at the Tomah VA. When she was caught, she tried to cover it up by paying off staff for their silence.
  • Baldwin supports government-run health care that would end private insurance for millions of Wisconsinites. On top of that, the plan would cost trillions of dollars – doubling the corporate and individual federal tax rates still wouldn’t cover the cost.
  • Baldwin has voted in favor of higher taxes and fees more than 400 times. That includes voting against tax reform that saved the typical Wisconsin family of four more than $2,500.
  • Even though she wants Wisconsin to think she supports key industries, Baldwin regularly sides against job creators in our state. In fact, she received a 0% rating in the 114thCongress from the largest paper products industry trade association.