June 5, 2018
Contact: Alec Zimmerman
(608) 257-4765
Democrats just as angry now as they were then
[Madison, WI] — Six years ago Wisconsin Republicans celebrated as Governor Walker and Lt. Governor Kleefisch emerged victorious from the liberals’ recall attempts. Now, Wisconsinites are seeing real results of conservative leadership like more people working than ever before, our unemployment at the all-time low, and historic investments into our classrooms. Sadly, the Left is still filled with anger over the success of Governor Walker’s bold reforms.
“The results of conservative reforms have been historic – our state’s economy is prosperous and our unemployment rate is at an all-time low,” said Brad Courtney, Chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. “Now the Left is filled with more anger than ever before. They’ve seen that conservative policies work for Wisconsin families, and will do whatever they can to stop us in the fall. They can’t stand that Governor Walker and Wisconsin Republicans are moving Wisconsin forward.”