AFSCME Wisconsin supports the union members, community allies, and civic leaders rallying in support of a just public education budget for Wisconsin families. We join students, educators, activists, and labor leaders in rebuking a state budget proposal which strips an astounding $900 million from the 2019-2021 public education budget.


Between June 22-25, 2019 March to Madison organizers will march sixty miles from Palmyra-Eagle to Madison to call for a 60% special education reimbursement rate and demand a solution to the hollowing out of education funding. AFSCME Wisconsin expresses its solidarity to all marchers and organizers fighting for strong schools, preserving Wisconsin’s robust educational heritage, and protecting those who serve our communities with dedication. 


March to Madison organizer, AFSCME Local 1954 member, and Milwaukee Public School Board member Megan O’Halloran stated, “years of chronic underfunding have left our schools struggling to meet the needs of students. We are marching sixty miles for a sixty percent reimbursement so that all our public schools can meet the needs of each student. I’m marching for 76,000 students and nearly 10,000 public school employees, ensuring that they get the resources they desperately need.”


AFSCME Wisconsin calls on the Wisconsin Legislature, Governor Tony Evers, and civic leaders to preserve public education funds to ensure a bright future for our students and community servants.


For more information, please contact Valerie Landowski (

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