CONTACT: Eric Bott,

Report finds that Wisconsin households would see a new tax burden of $269 per year

MADISON, Wis. – Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin (AFP-WI) today launched a new campaign advocating solutions for improving America’s infrastructure without imposing new burdens on consumers through a 25-cent per gallon gas tax hike, which would impact virtually every aspect of the economy.

In the first phase of this campaign, the grassroots group is releasing an updated state-by-state analysis of the real-life consequences that such a tax increase would have on people across the country. The group is also launching digital ads encouraging Rep. Ron Kind to oppose any efforts to increase the gas tax and instead prioritize key reforms that will improve our nation’s infrastructure.

This announcement is part of a six-figure national campaign.

VIEW State-by-State Analysis of a 25-Cent Per Gallon Federal Gas Tax Increase

The report finds that Wisconsin households would see a new tax burden of $269.62 per year with a 25-cent per gallon federal gas tax increase. The report does not factor in the burden of state and local gas tax increases Wisconsin lawmakers are currently considering, meaning Wisconsin residents could soon end up paying even more than the report suggests.

AFP-WI State Director Eric Bott issued the following statement:

“We should make it easier, not harder, for Wisconsin families to make ends meet. But increasing the gas tax would make it more expensive to drive to work or pay for everyday goods, leaving less hard-earned money in our pocket to invest in the things most important to us. We can build a safe, modern infrastructure without burdening Wisconsinites with additional tax increases.”

In addition to the re-release of the state-by-state report, AFP will begin launching digital ads encouraging Rep. Ron Kind, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, to oppose any efforts to increase the gas tax and instead prioritize key reforms that will improve our nation’s infrastructure, such as:

  • Preserving federal infrastructure dollars for targeted construction projects of a national priority;
  • Unleashing private investment in infrastructure assets;
  • Returning power and responsibility to the states wherever possible;
  • Overhauling the regulatory and permitting system to improve outcomes and efficiency; and
  • Eliminating costly and unfair labor restrictions.

AFP has long maintained that there are better ways to address our nation’s infrastructure challenges than asking taxpayers to reach back into their pockets to funnel more money into a broken system. The economy is booming in large part to the tax and regulatory reforms that Congress and the administration have implemented, and we urge them not to undermine that success by clawing back that tax relief at the gas pump.

For further information or an interview, reach Lorenz Isidro at or (703) 887-7724. 

Through broad-based grassroots outreach, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is driving long-term solutions to the country’s biggest problems. AFP activists engage friends and neighbors on key issues and encourage them to take an active role in building a culture of mutual benefit, where people succeed by helping one another. AFP recruits and unites Wisconsinites behind a common goal of advancing policies that will help people improve their lives. For more information, visit