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Secretary job shadows five individuals with disabilities working at three downtown businesses
MADISON – Department of Workforce Development (DWD) Secretary-Designee Caleb Frostman today participated in a Take Your Legislator to Work Event on Madison’s Capitol Square job shadowing five individuals who are employed in community-integrated settings earning minimum wage or above. All five individuals are former DWD Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) consumers and achieved their employment goals in part due to the supports provided by DVR and partner agencies.
“Individuals with disabilities are a vital segment of our labor force and a big part of Governor Evers’s workforce development strategy,” Secretary Frostman said. “All individuals who want to work should have the opportunity to do so, to live a life of independence, and enjoy the sense of dignity that having steady employment in a community setting brings.”
Take Your Legislator to Work Events are organized by the Board for People with Developmental Disabilities and designed to allow legislators and executive branch officials to visit with Wisconsin citizens with disabilities at work and learn how individuals with disabilities contribute to the local economy and how community-integrated employment benefits not only the individual, but the business.
“I would like to thank Beth Swedeen and BPDD for giving me the opportunity to visit with these talented young individuals,” Secretary Frostman said. “The commitment these individuals demonstrated to their work and their employer is outstanding, and their work ethic is second to none. I look forward to participating in future events highlighting the great contributions that individuals with disabilities, and the employers who hire them, make to the Wisconsin economy.”
The businesses that were highlighted today include: The Old Fashioned, Husch Blackwell Law Firm, and The Management Group (TMG).
For more information on DWD’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, please visit
For more information on BPDD, please visit
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