Madison, WI – Following through on his promises to assist nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and personal care workers with a much-needed rate increase, Representative Mike Rohrkaste (R-Neenah) today joined Republicans on the Joint Committee on Finance in voting for a budget motion that more than doubles the increases proposed by Governor Evers. This vote builds upon an increase from the last state budget cycle, and is targeted at the workforce needs that have led to a number of facility closures over the past decade.
“I have been hearing from homes in my district and throughout the state that they are desperate to attract and retain quality employees,” said Rep. Rohrkaste. “All along, I’ve made it a top priority of this budget to do whatever we can afford to come to their aid. Today we delivered. We are giving a big raise to the men and women who care for our elderly and those with disabilities – a raise they desperately need and truly deserve.”
Today’s omnibus Department of Health Services motion included:
- $66,537,400 for Family Care Direct Funding (Paper #368) [$27,000,000 GPR, $39,537,400 FED]. This builds upon a $60.7 million increase from the 2017-19 budget, for a total of $127.2 million in the two most recent state budgets.
- $73,992,200 for the Nursing Home Reimbursement (Paper #369) [$30,000,000 GPR, $43,992,200 FED], for a 7% reimbursement rate increase in this budget, counting a 1% acuity rate increase.
- $91,046,900 for the Personal Care Reimbursement Rate (Paper #370) [$36,900,000 GPR, $54,146,900 FED], which amounts to a 9% reimbursement rate increase in this budget.
All of this amounts to $231,576,500 in new funding, a total of $158,866,900 above the Governor’s budget recommendations.