Contact: Elizabeth Shimek, 608-237-9166
Madison – Today, Forward Wisconsin launched an online petition urging legislators to accept the Medicaid expansion. This petition aims to build on the support shown in the latest Marquette Poll, in which 70% of Wisconsinites backed Medicaid expansion. Representative Greta Neubauer (D-Racine) expressed enthusiasm about this next step in an effort to organize people in our state in support of expanding Medicaid:
“Medicaid expansion is about improving the lives of everyone in Wisconsin. This petition gives people a quick and easy way to reach out to their legislators and tell them that Wisconsin needs to expand Medicaid in this budget,” Rep. Neubauer stated. “I hope people will sign this petition and then share it with their networks, post it on social media, and use it as a tool to amplify our message.”
In the short time since it was launched, Forward Wisconsin has built a statewide effort with organizing meetings, a strong social media presence on Facebook and Twitter, and an interactive website. In the coming weeks, people around the state are continuing to organize with action meetings, trainings, and door-to-door petition gathering.
“Forward Wisconsin is off and running. It’s clear people are engaging because they believe in the “People’s Budget”. They want to see their priorities reflected in our state government. This petition is one more tool that will allow the citizens of Wisconsin to engage with their legislators and make their voices heard.”
Under Governor Tony Evers’ proposed budget, completing the Medicaid expansion would provide affordable, accessible healthcare to an estimated 82,000 people in Wisconsin and reduce private insurance premiums by 7 to 11% statewide. It would save over $300 million, and the reinvestment of that money in evidence-based health programs would bring $1.6 billion in new federal dollars to Wisconsin and improve quality of care for all Wisconsinites.
Forward Wisconsin’s next Strategy & Action Meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 20th, 2019 from 7:00 to 8:30pm at Fox Point Village Hall. Participants can RSVP online at the link below:
Forward Wisconsin is a project of the Wisconsin Legislative Democrats aimed at lifting the voices of Wisconsinites who support the Medicaid Expansion and the broader People’s Budget proposed by Governor Tony Evers. For more information and to get involved, Find Forward Wisconsin on Facebook at or Twitter at