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MADISON – Governor Tony Evers, joined by Dane County Executive Joe Parisi, Dane County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan, and Urban League of Greater Madison President Ruben Anthony, today announced that the 2019-2021 Capital Budget will include a $30 million investment to help fund the expansion of the Alliant Energy Center to the Exposition Hall, a project that will expand the capacity of existing events and attract additional events that will bring increased national prominence to Wisconsin.

The funding will come through a non-state grant program that provides state bonding support for non-profit or local government projects that have a statewide public purpose. Typically, the grantee provides at least a 50% match.

The current facility does not offer the spaces necessary to accommodate today’s meetings and events. This project will convert the Exhibition Hall from being a regional exposition center to a full-service convention center for all of Wisconsin and the upper Midwest.

“The expansion of the Alliant Energy Center will catalyze hundreds of millions of dollars in private development generating $1.7 million in new property taxes and boost our local economies throughout the state,” Gov. Evers said. “I’m excited to see this project move forward and I know it will add value to our entire state.”

“Thanks in part to past support from the state, Dane County’s Alliant Energy Center is now the premier venue in the country for agricultural shows. Expanding the ability of these grounds to host national and even international events is exactly what Wisconsin’s farm economy needs right now to preserve jobs and our agricultural heritage,” said Dane County Executive Joe Parisi. “I applaud Gov. Evers for capitalizing on this opportunity, bolstering our reputation as a true destination for the state and region.”

“This is a testament to Gov. Evers’ focus on economic development and job growth. Investment in the Alliant Energy Center will drive a significant return for the state – estimated to be $670,000 in annual state income taxes, more than $1 million in annual state sales taxes and 644 net new jobs,” said Dane County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan. “I appreciate the governor’s commitment to collaborating with Dane County in an effort that benefits the whole state.”

Additional capital budget projects will be announced later this week.

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