The Greater Wisconsin Committee is hitting conservative Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn with two TV ads that accuse him of trying to “turn back the clock” on discrimination and favoring corporate special interests over children.
They are the fourth and fifth TV ads of the campaign from the Greater Wisconsin Committee or its affiliate the Greater Wisconsin Political Fund. The group said both are running on broadcast, cable and online in the Milwaukee, Green Bay, Wausau and La Crosse/Eau Claire markets.
One shows color images of children and then black-and-white pictures of women’s suffragists and Rosa Parks before the narrator says someone wants to “turn back the clock.” The narrator goes on to say Hagedorn took money from an anti-gay group, tried to strip hospital visitation rights from gay partners, and “runs a school” that bans teachers, students and parents for being gay.
It concludes, “Tell Judge Hagedorn: Discrimination against anyone is wrong.”
The other focuses on changes to liability laws affecting lead paint companies that were made while Hagedorn was chief legal counsel to former Gov. Scott Walker. The narrator says Hagedorn lobbied to “let those responsible for poisoning kids off the hook” while corporate special interests “funneled secret cash to Hagedorn’s allies.”
The narrator adds Hagedorn says the Supreme Court “was wrong when it ruled to protect lead paint victims” before urging viewers to tell him “protect our children, not the special interests.”