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Pewaukee – Justice-elect Brian Hagedorn released the following statement this morning declaring victory in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election:

“The people of Wisconsin have spoken, and our margin of victory is insurmountable. I thank my wife, Christina, my children, and my family and friends for their unwavering support throughout all the ups and downs in this campaign. And I thank everyone who supported us along the way. This was a true grassroots campaign fueled from the bottom up. Whether you volunteered your time, donated your hard-earned money or cast your ballot, we could not have done this without you.

“I am deeply humbled and honored by the voters who have placed their trust in me to serve as Wisconsin’s next Supreme Court justice. The voters chose to have a Court that keeps personal political beliefs out of the courtroom and applies the law as written.

“On the Court, I will uphold our Constitution, defend the rule of law, and protect the public, while never forgetting I am a servant of the law and the people.

“Thank you, Wisconsin!”