Conservative Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly raised $243,794 over the first five weeks of his bid for a full 10-year term, his campaign said.
Over the past decade, only Lisa Neubauer and Rebecca Dallet reported more receipts on their July report ahead of their bids for the state Supreme Court. But Neubauer’s $358,288 in July 2018 included a $250,000 personal loan, and Dallet’s $270,984 in July 2017 included a $200,000 loan.
Kelly’s campaign said he didn’t put any personal money into the campaign during the period and received donations from 400 contributors. He finished June with $238,484 in the bank.
Dane County Judge Jill Karofsky and Marquette University Law Professor Ed Fallone are seeking to knock off Kelly next spring. Karofsky announced yesterday she had $121,000 in receipts since early May, though that included a $15,000 personal contribution. Fallone hasn’t announced his fundraising numbers as of Thursday morning.