CONTACT: Rep. Patrick Snyder
(608) 266-0654
Sen. Jerry Petrowski
(608) 266-2502
JFC accepts Snyder and Petrowski budget motion funding NTC’s Jail Welding Program
Madison— The Joint Committee on Finance adopted a motion on Thursday that will put more dollars into Northcentral Technical College’s county jail programs. The original motion, authored by Representative Pat Snyder and Senator Jerry Petrowski, directs the Department of Workforce Development to award Fast Forward Grants to Northcentral Technical College for the purpose of expanding their programs that operate in county jails.
“I am pleased at the decision of the Joint Committee on Finance to adopt this motion today,” said Rep. Snyder. “The benefits of Northcentral Technical College’s existing program are many: it reduces recidivism rates which helps offenders and the community; it helps former inmates get back on their feet; and puts more people into the workforce. Expanding this successful program is common sense; I am glad my colleagues on the committee agreed.”
Northcentral Technical College has indicated that the funding will be used to expand their programs into Lincoln, Langlade and Clark County Jails. Legislators from the respective counties also supported the legislation.
“I have witnessed the partnership between NTC and the county jail empower inmates by giving them skills to fill an important need in our community,” said Sen. Petrowski. “The training and eventual employment allows these individuals to provide for themselves and their family. I look forward to seeing this program grow and make a more expansive impact in our community and in our workforce.”
The budget motion that provided the funding will now be included in the budget, which will be voted on by the entire Senate and Assembly, after all components are voted on by the Joint Committee on Finance. Following passage in the Senate and Assembly, it will go to the Governor.