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MADISON – During a visit to Huegel Elementary School today, Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes focused on Governor Tony Evers’ budget proposal that includes $500,000 in grant funding to the Department of Public Instruction to help more schools around the state purchase water bottle filling stations.
The proposal dovetails with remediation efforts around the state and would reduce lead levels in Milwaukee and nitrate levels in northern Wisconsin. “Clean drinking water is a basic need and should be available to our children in our schools,” Lt. Gov. Barnes said. “Contaminated water is a real issue that can lead to negative long-term effects if not addressed correctly. I stand with Governor Evers in making sure every child in our state has healthy water to drink.” Stations range in cost from $800 to $2,700 apiece, with additional costs for installation and filter replacement every 3,000 gallons. “I’ve always said that what’s best for our kids is what’s best for our state, and that definitely includes access to clean drinking water,” Gov. Evers said. “Everyone in Wisconsin should be able to have clean drinking water flow from the taps in their homes, schools and businesses, whether they live in an urban or rural community. I’m proud to continue my commitment to making 2019 the Year of Clean Drinking Water in Wisconsin by funding investments like these water bottle filling stations.” In February, Gov. Evers released details about additional water quality initiatives in the proposed budget, which includes $40 million in bonding authority to help fund the replacement of lead service lines around the state. |