CONTACT: Dan Bukiewicz, President
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MILWAUKEE — Milwaukee Building and Construction Trades Council President Dan Bukiewicz released the following statement in response to Gov. Evers’ Budget Address:

“Today marks a new day and a new focus for Wisconsin. It’s refreshing to have a governor not only focused on what is best for workers and Wisconsin’s future, but who is willing to work collaboratively to get the best results.

We are thankful to Governor Evers for recognizing that when Republicans repealed Prevailing Wage laws, prohibited Project Labor Agreements and implemented so-called “Right to Work”, it destroyed Wisconsin’s family incomes the last eight years. Restoring these laws are a win-win; they benefit businesses, workers and taxpayers. This gives local control back to local communities and strengthens our communities.

Milwaukee is the economic engine of Wisconsin. With Governor Evers’ bold leadership, Milwaukee will continue to be a prime location for job creation and economic development. We stand ready to work with Governor Evers and the Wisconsin legislature to find solutions that promote upward economic mobility among working families.”

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