Contact: Tyler Hendricks, 608-633-0704

— In advance of the Marquette Law School Debate tonight, Supreme Court Candidate Brian Hagedorn is widely seen as “Not Qualified” for the Supreme Court by those practicing law in Milwaukee, according to a survey conducted by the Milwaukee Bar Association.

In the survey released today, only 25% of respondents rated Brian Hagedorn as “qualified” for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, even lower than Judge Michael Screnock who last year came in at 42%.

In contrast, Chief Judge Lisa Neubauer won the poll decidedly — 277 respondents (87%) rated her as “qualified.”

“It’s no surprise Brian Hagedorn can only find five current and former judges who will publicly support him,” said Tyler Hendricks, Campaign Manager for Neubauer for Justice. “With two decades more experience in the law and 98% of the judicial endorsements, it’s easy to see why Chief Judge Lisa Neubauer is the clear choice for the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”

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