Mike Browne, Deputy Director
(608) 444-3483

‘Wisconsin Women Need Health Care, Not Operation Save America’s Hate and Harassment’
MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now joined with a coalition of local, state and national groups today at a press conference in Madison supporting women’s access to abortion and comprehensive health care.
The groups came together to counter the efforts of the radical right-wing Operation Save America (OSA), whose members travelled to Wisconsin this week to harass women seeking health care in Milwaukee and to lobby legislators in Madison to ban abortion and outlaw birth control.
The following are the statements of One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Analiese Eicher:
“Wisconsin women need health care, not Operation Save America’s hate and harassment.
“The situation we face today is critical. If groups like OSA are successful in implementing their radical agenda here, abortion in Wisconsin will be a crime under a law that originated in 1848 and birth control could be banned.
“It’s the women of 2019 who should be making their own health care decisions with their families and their health care providers — not the legislature of 1848 or the extremists of today who want to impose their beliefs and insert themselves in private decisions where they have no business.”

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