Judge Brian Hagedorn was victorious Tuesday in the general election to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Pro-Life Wisconsin Victory Fund PAC Director, Matt Sande, offered the following comments:
“Pro-Life Wisconsin is thrilled with Judge Hagedorn’s hard-won election to our state’s highest court. Despite an avalanche of unjust attacks on his personal beliefs, Judge Hagedorn persevered. We congratulate him, his campaign team and family for their dedication and determination. We also commend the hard work of grassroots pro-lifers around the state. Your effort made a difference. We know Justice-elect Hagedorn will serve fairly and impartially, respecting and upholding the rule of law for many years to come.”
Matt Sande, Director, Victory Fund PAC
Cell: 262.352.0890
Email: Matt.S@ProLifeWI.org