Contact: Matt Dannenberg

Calls for “All of the Above Approach” to Achieve Zero Carbon by 2050 Goal

Milwaukee, WI–Today, Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (Commission) Chair Rebecca Cameron Valcq addressed members of the Midwest Energy Research Consortium’s (M-WERC) at its annual event focused this year on Utilities of the Future and energy storage technology. M-WERC announced its partnership with the Great Plains Institute to address evolving needs in the energy sector. Chair Valcq focused on Governor Evers’ budget goal of zero carbon generation by 2050, workforce development, and the need for collaboration with organizations like M-WERC to transition to a zero carbon energy economy.

“Wisconsin needs to be a leader in the clean energy economy.” said Valcq. “I am grateful for Governor Evers’ vision to set a goal of zero carbon generation by 2050. This focus provides stakeholders and policymakers a clear target to work towards and has been part of the shift in the national discussion around energy.”

Valcq continued by sharing her perspective on the direction of the energy market, “The writing is on the wall. No matter what happens, this is the direction the industry is moving. It is time for regulators and government officials to get out of the way, let the market for clean energy technologies perform, avoid unnecessary mandates, and take a technology neutral method to regulation; solar and wind alone will not be the solution. We must consider all realistic carbon neutral options, build upon the strength of Focus on Energy programs, and prioritize storage as key component in the utility of the future.”

Valcq also highlighted how the collaboration of organizations like M-WERC benefit Wisconsin’s workforce in this time of rapid change. “I am grateful for organizations like M-WERC that are collaborating with businesses, incubating startups, and fostering mentor networks to spark innovation. Wisconsin is open for clean energy jobs, and I will do all I can along with my colleagues at the Department of Workforce Development and the legislature to get that message out.”

Upon taking office, Governor Evers charged his agencies to “connect the dots” on important issues like transiting to a zero carbon economy to ensure the state is maximizing its efforts. The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and the Public Service Commission (PSC) have been doing just that to ensure Wisconsin residents are able to participate in the clean energy sector.

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