Contact: Rep. David Crowley

MADISON – Elections for leadership positions of the Wisconsin Legislative Black Caucus were held yesterday, and the new leadership reflects the expanding representation that people of color have in the Wisconsin legislature.

Representative David Crowley of Milwaukee’s 17th District will Chair the caucus, and will reprise his role as co-Chair of the Black and Latino Caucus for a second straight term. Rep. Crowley said, “I look forward to continuing to lead the Caucus as we work for Wisconsinites of color. We will work to make Wisconsin a better place to live for all, and do so with renewed vigor in knowing we have willing partners in Governor Evers and Lieutenant Governor Barnes.”

The Vice Chair will be newly-elected Representative LaKeshia Myers, serving Milwaukee’s 12th Assembly District. Another pair of first-year representatives will round out Caucus leadership, with Representative Kalan Haywood II of Milwaukee’s 16th Assembly District serving as Treasurer and Representative Sheila Stubbs — Madison’s first African-American legislator – of the 77th Assembly District serving as Secretary.

The Legislative Black Caucus will hold its first event on February 1st, kicking off their month-long Black History celebration. More details will be forthcoming.