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Madison, WI–State Representative Cindi Duchow (R-Delafield) voted tonight in favor of a two year state budget plan that invests in public education, health care and road repair without raising taxes on Wisconsin’s hard working families.

“I was disappointed by the massive increase in new spending, new taxes, and divisive policies that Governor Tony Evers included in his state budget proposal. Governor Evers campaigned on not raising taxes, so despite working with a divided government this session, I was hopeful we could have found common ground and created a responsible state budget,” Duchow said.

“The budget approved by the State Assembly differs from what Evers’ proposed. Our budget eliminates the Governor’s plan to increase government spending by $6 billion and raise taxes by more than $1 billion. Instead, we’ve reduced taxes by $500 million while making record investments in priorities Wisconsin taxpayers care about like fixing our roads, investing in public education, and funding health care.”

The State Assembly budget plan includes some key components like investing $500 million more in K-12 education, increasing funding for nursing home payments and caregiver wages, and continues state funding for the Healthcare Stability Plan, a program that decreases private health care costs. It also increases local road aids and local road construction grants. Funding for the state highway rehabilitation program is increased to maintain road conditions and keep projects around the state on schedule, all of which is done without raising the gas tax.


“I am supporting this conservative budget because it invests more in education than ever before, doesn’t put more people on welfare or needlessly expand government, and cuts taxes for middle-income families so they can keep more of their hard earned money,” Duchow said. “This budget does more with less.”


The state budget passed 60-39 and will now be considered by the Wisconsin State Senate.


Representative Duchow represents the 99th Assembly District which includes the communities of Chenequa, Delafield, Dousman, Hartland, Merton, Nashotah, Oconomowoc Lake, Ottawa, and Wales; and portions of Genesee, North Prairie, Oconomowoc, and Summit.

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