Contact: Rep. James Edming
(608) 266-7506
MADISON – Representative James Edming (R-Glen Flora) offered the following statement in response to the veto of Assembly Bill (AB) 4 yesterday by Governor Tony Evers. AB 4 is legislation that would have provided $340 million in middle class income tax relief for individuals and families around Wisconsin.
“I am disappointed that Governor Evers chose to veto the middle class tax cut for Wisconsin families. The governor and legislative Republicans agree on the need to cut taxes for the middle class and I was hopeful that this could be the start of bipartisan cooperation between his administration and the Republican controlled legislature. I still believe that using the state’s budget surplus is the best way to deliver middle class tax relief. With Wisconsin’s strong economy and a $588.5 million surplus there is no need to raise taxes on farmers and job creators to provide middle class tax relief as Governor Evers wants to do.
“Going forward, I remain committed to finding common ground with our governor. As the state budget process begins in the coming days, I am hopeful that we can find a way to deliver middle class tax relief without hurting our state’s economy with a tax increase on farmers and businesses.”