Contact: Aaron Collins, 608-266-2254
(MADISON) Assembly Democratic Leader Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) announced the following committee assignments for 2019-2020 legislative session.
“Assembly Democrats come from a variety of backgrounds to make up a group of diverse and highly talented legislators,” Rep. Hintz stated. “This session, we are ready to work alongside Governor Evers to provide opportunities for the hardworking people of Wisconsin. Our caucus is well prepared to roll up our sleeves and get to work.”
Aging and Long Term Care | Rep. Meyers
Rep. Brostoff Rep. Emerson |
Agriculture | Rep. Considine
Rep.Vruwink Rep. Myers Rep. Kolste Rep. Spreitzer |
Campaigns and Elections | Rep. Zamarripa
Rep. Subeck Rep. Spreitzer |
Children and Families | Rep. Subeck
Rep. Billings Rep. Vining Rep. Bowen |
Colleges and Universities | Rep. Shankland
Rep. Billings Rep. Hesselbein Rep. Anderson Rep. Emerson Rep. Stubbs |
Community Development | Rep. Fields
Rep. Subeck Rep. Bowen |
Constitution and Ethics | Rep. Hebl
Rep. Brostoff Rep. Cabrera |
Consumer Protection | Rep. Pope
Rep. Sinicki Rep. Cabrera |
Corrections | Rep. Bowen
Rep. Goyke Rep. Stubbs |
Criminal Justice and Public Safety | Rep. Crowley
Rep. Emerson Rep. Cabrera Rep. Spreitzer |
Education | Rep. Pope
Rep. Bowen Rep. Considine Rep. Myers Rep. Hebl Rep. Vruwink |
Energy and Utilities | Rep. Meyers
Rep. Crowley Rep. Subeck Rep. Stuck Rep. Fields |
Environment | Rep. Hebl
Rep. Anderson Rep. Shankland Rep. Neubauer |
Family Law | Rep. Doyle
Rep. Emerson Rep. Brostoff |
Forestry, Parks, and Outdoor Recreation | Rep. Milroy
Rep. Spreitzer Rep. Gruszynski Rep. Sinicki |
Federalism and Interstate Relations | Rep. Taylor
Rep. Myers |
Financial Institutions | Rep. Doyle
Rep. Meyers Rep. Hesselbein Rep. Fields Rep. Vining |
Government Accountability and Oversight | Rep. Pope Rep. Sinicki Rep. Vruwink Rep. Billings |
Health | Rep. Kolste
Rep. Riemer Rep. Subeck Rep. Anderson Rep. Vining |
Housing and Real Estate | Rep. Stuck
Rep. Zamarripa Rep. Haywood |
Insurance | Rep. Riemer
Rep. Doyle Rep. Hesselbein Rep. Stubbs Rep. Stuck |
International Affairs and Commerce | Rep. Vruwink
Rep. Cabrera Rep. Emerson Rep. Haywood Rep. Zamarippa Rep. Neubauer |
Jobs and the Economy | Rep. Ohnstad
Rep. Neubauer Rep. Stuck Rep. Fields Rep. Zamarippa |
Judiciary | Rep. Anderson
Rep. Hebl Rep. Cabrera |
Labor and Integrated Employment | Rep. Sinicki
Rep. Ohnstad Rep. Myers |
Local Government | Rep. Subeck
Rep. Spreitzer Rep. Gruszynski |
Medicaid Reform and Oversight | Rep. Riemer
Rep. Kolste Rep. Anderson |
Mental Health | Rep. Considine
Rep. Kolste Rep. Sargent Rep. Brostoff |
Public Benefit Reform | Rep. Subeck
Rep. Neubauer Rep. Taylor |
Regulatory Licensing Reform | Rep. Brostoff
Rep. Myers Rep. Stuck |
Rules | Rep. Hintz
Rep. Hesselbein Rep. Spreitzer Rep. Doyle Rep. Pope Rep. Kolste |
Rural Development | Rep. Vruwink
Rep. Milroy Rep. Considine Rep. Gruszynski |
Science and Technology | Rep. Neubauer
Rep. Anderson Rep. Sargent |
Small Business Development | Rep. Sargent
Rep. Vining Rep. Zamarripa Rep. Cabrera Rep. Pope |
Sporting Heritage | Rep. Milroy
Rep. Gruszynski Rep. Stuck Rep. Spreitzer Rep. Hesselbein |
State Affairs | Rep. Sinicki
Rep. Zamarripa Rep. Ohnstad Rep. Stubbs Rep. Cabrera Rep. Crowley |
Substance Abuse and Prevention | Rep. Kolste
Rep. Sargent Rep. Billings |
Tourism | Rep. Billings
Rep. Vruwink Rep. Myers Rep. Emerson Rep. Gruszynski Rep. Stubbs |
Transportation | Rep. Kolste
Rep. Crowley Rep. Meyers Rep. Neubauer Rep. Considine |
Veterans and Military Affairs | Rep. Hesselbein
Rep. Riemer Rep. Milroy Rep. Sinicki Rep. Haywood |
Ways and Means | Rep. Riemer
Rep. Doyle Rep. Ohnstad Rep. Haywood |
Workforce Development | Rep. Shankland
Rep. Fields Rep. Crowley Rep. Ohnstad Rep. Haywood |
Joint Committee on Finance | Rep. Taylor
Rep. Goyke |
Joint Legislative Audit Committee | Rep. Sargent
Rep. Shankland |
*Note: The member listed first for each committee should be designated is the ranking Democratic member.