CONTACT: Representative Dave Murphy
May 15, 2019, (608) 266-7500

MADISON, WI — Today, the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau announced an increase of $753 million in state tax revenue above projections used in calculating the current state budget three years ago. Assembly Republicans have announced a proposal to invest half of the funds in the state’s rainy day fund and dedicate half to tax relief.

State Representative Dave Murphy (R–Greenville) issued the following statement:
“The ongoing state budget, adopted by the Republican legislature and signed by former
Governor Walker, paired with the robust Trump economy, is continuing to earn dividends for the people of Wisconsin.

“Investment in the rainy day fund protects critical state programs in the case of a recession and ensures that tax increases during the hardest of times won’t be necessary. Utilizing these funds in this manner is far superior to expanding the scope of government beyond what we can afford now or in the future.

“Wisconsinites deserve responsible budgeting with their money and that’s what my Republican colleagues and I are committed to. “This is an investment in our future. The right thing to do is to save half of this money in the rainy day fund and dedicate half to go into tax relief, allowing hard working folks across Wisconsin to keep more of the money they earned fair and square.”

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