Contact: Representative Melissa Sargent
Phone: (608)-266-0960
MADISON – Representative Melissa Sargent (D-Madison) released the following statement regarding tonight’s upcoming budget address by Governor Tony Evers:
“Tonight, Governor Evers will address the Legislature to announce a new budget for the state of Wisconsin. This budget represents not just a financial plan for our state, but a blueprint for a government that reflects our Wisconsin values and works for the everyday people of our state. Wisconsinites find resilience in our enduring values, our unyielding spirit, and our strength together. This budget carefully weaves together these principles, and truly puts the people first by:
· Supporting and strengthening our communities– Wisconsinites deserve to be safe and secure where they live, work, and play. Governor Evers’ budget includes investing in our state’s future by fully funding public education, supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, decriminalizing marijuana and legalizing it for medicinal use, providing our children with clean and safe drinking water, and protecting our state’s natural resources and environment for generations to come.
· Putting government back to work– Wisconsin works best when our government works for us. This budget ensures a clean and transparent government that is for and by the people, including a nonpartisan redistricting process that will lift up the voices of voters, and ensuring that every vote counts.
· Building an economy that works for all of us – Wisconsinites who work hard and play by the rules must have a fighting chance. The People’s Budget lifts up working class families by championing for a $15 minimum wage, creating a path towards affordable and quality healthcare, investing in transportation solutions, eliminating obstacles to affordable housing access, and providing families with well-deserved sustainable tax relief.
· Removing barriers and promoting inclusivity– When we work together we can build a Wisconsin that works for the many, instead of the few. Governor Evers’ proposal will support a diverse and inclusive Wisconsin through measures such as increased funding and initiatives for our First Nations communities, allowing undocumented individuals access to driver’s licenses and in state tuition, and expanding essential healthcare services for women.
We want Wisconsin to be a place where everyone is safe, can reach for their dreams, and where we invest in a better tomorrow. I come to the Capitol everyday ready to roll up my sleeves and work with you, and for you, to build a more equitable Wisconsin. It is refreshing to have a Governor who shares in these goals, and who is committed to creating a Wisconsin that truly works for everyone. I look forward to continuing to work together to bring these values to our state, and to finding long term and sustainable solutions for our future.”