CONTACT: Rep. Jim Steineke
(608) 266-2401

MADISON – The Wisconsin State Assembly will recognize Irena Ivic from Greenfield, Wisconsin as a “Hometown Hero” at the upcoming Assembly session on February 12th.

Ivic, a Milwaukee County bus driver, was nominated by her State Representative, Ken Skowronski (R-Franklin), and a Milwaukee legislator, Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee), after making national news when footage of her saving a barefooted infant along her bus route went viral. The incident happened just days before Christmas in freezing conditions when Ivic saw a barefooted little boy running along the road in freezing temperatures. She stopped the bus, picked him up, and brought him back to the warmth of the bus before calling for assistance.

“I’m proud to see that public servants like Irena are always looking for opportunities to step up and help the communities they serve,” said Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke (R-Kaukauna), who selected Ivic to receive the award. “Milwaukee is lucky to have someone who can stay calm, take charge, and ultimately save a life on their team.”

The Wisconsin State Assembly sees giving back to the community as one of the most valuable characteristics one can have. The Assembly Hometown Heroes program seeks to identify and recognize individuals from around the state who give of themselves to make a difference in our communities and in the lives of those around them. Hometown Hero Award winners are invited and introduced as a special guest at an Assembly floor session and given the opportunity to speak.