MADISON – Legislation championed by State Representative Jim Steineke (R-Kaukauna) to promote more options and lower costs at the gas pump is now law in Wisconsin. Earlier today, Governor Evers signed Senate Bill 349 into law, which aligns state code with federal regulations and will allow fuel retailers more latitude in offering more economical options to their consumers through a single fuel hose.

Previously, state law mandated that gas stations, convenience stores, and other fuel distributors use separate hoses to dispense fuel blends above and below 10% ethanol. In practice, this meant that many retailers were limited in what fuel options they were able to offer their consumers. Now, Wisconsin retailers will be better able to meet the rising demand for E15, a higher ethanol blend, with the ability to use the same hose as their other fuel blend products.

“This is an issue that we’ve heard about from all over the state, where retailers are having to pick and choose what products to make available to the consumers,” said Rep. Steineke. “With this bill, we can continue bringing the options that Wisconsin families need, without compromising on fuel quality or price.”

An important aspect of the bill is that it makes no new requirements of retailers. Rather, it simply allows more flexibilities in how they distribute their product should they believe the market would support the sale of these fuel products. Should a station opt to dispense multiple fuel blends through a single hose, the new law requires that there be a dedicated pump on premise that only dispense E10 or other premium fuels with lower levels of ethanol.

“Whether you fill your family’s car up every week or refuel you pickup truck once a month, this new law will help provide consumers with more options that could ultimately help them save some green at the pump,” said Rep. Steineke. “Today’s bill signing truly is a win for Wisconsin drivers.”