CONTACT: Rep. Don Vruwink608-266-3790
Affordable Health Care Should Be Available to Everyone
State Rep. Don Vruwink voted today in favor of legislation that requires health insurance policies to cover individuals with pre-existing health conditions.
“I voted in favor of this bill based on principle,” Vruwink said. “I fundamentally believe that everyone should have access to affordable health care. If you have a loved one with epilepsy or diabetes or asthma or cancer, or any health problem, you know their life is hard enough already without struggling to get affordable health insurance.
“The fact that someone was previously sick or continues to be sick should not exclude them from affordable health insurance. That protection was guaranteed in the Affordable Care Act. If the Affordable Care Act is repealed, I support a state law that guarantees the same protection. The bill before us today does not go far enough, but I voted in favor to express my fundamental commitment to assuring affordable health care for everyone, and especially the sick among us who are most in need.”