Contact: Rep. Mike Kuglitsch (608) 267-5158
February 28, 2019
Representative Kuglitsch Responds to Governor Evers’ Budget Address
Madison – Rep. Mike Kuglitsch (R-New Berlin) was disappointed by Governor Tony Evers’ budget request to the Wisconsin State Legislature. His initial budget proposal was presented in the Governor’s annual budget address before state lawmakers on Thursday evening.
“The majority of his requests were nothing more than a wish list for the liberal agenda rather than goals we can accomplish together in a bi-partisan fashion,” said Rep. Kuglitsch. “It is now clear that Governor Evers was simply giving lip service to compromise and has little interest in actually following through on those words.”
Assembly Republicans reached out via a formal letter to Governor Evers in January to highlight areas that were believed to be common ground issues that both the Legislature and the Governor could find a way to continue to move Wisconsin forward together. These areas of bi-partisanship included cutting taxes on middle class families, investment in infrastructure, and guarantees to cover pre-existing health conditions.
“Our work as lawmakers should not be put on hold during a period of divided government,” said Rep. Kuglitsch. “The people of Wisconsin expect us to be working for them in Madison, arguing along party lines and getting nothing done is not an option”
Governor Evers has inherited a projected budget surplus of $600 million dollars, thanks to the responsible spending and policies enacted by Republican leadership. In the process of creating this surplus, republicans also cut taxes by $8 billion dollars since 2010. The state’s unemployment level also remains historically low, at 2.9%.
“My constituents have continually thanked me for returning their hard earned money from the hands of bureaucracy in Madison and back into their pockets” said Rep. Kuglitsch. “The Wisconsin economy has never been healthier with more people working than ever before and we cannot afford to enact job killing policies or new taxes in this budget that will hinder the progress we have made.”