Contact: Sarah Abel

Phone: 202-225-5506

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, Reps. Ron Kind and Mike Gallagher introduced H.Res.483, a resolution recognizing the importance of veteran-to-veteran mentorship programs. Wisconsin has a number of established veteran mentorship programs which work to connect returning service members with veterans who have transitioned back to civilian life. Click here to read the text of the resolution.

“Veteran peer-to-peer mentoring programs are vital to helping service members’ transition back into civilian life—a time that can be challenging for many. By talking to those who have gone through the transition themselves, veterans are more likely to keep their VA appointments, access additional treatment when necessary, and live healthier lives overall,” said Rep. Ron Kind. “I’m proud to help introduce this resolution and honor the important work the La Crosse Area Veterans Mentor Program has done for our veterans in the Third District”

“When I left military service, I saw firsthand how difficult the transition to civilian life can be,” said Rep. Mike Gallagher. “Veteran-to-veteran relationships provide returning service members with a trusted resource as they reintegrate back into civilian life, and shine light on what can otherwise be a process filled with feelings of confusion and isolation. I’m proud to recognize Wisconsin organizations like the NEW Battalion which provide exemplary veteran-to-veteran mentorship programs, and hope the federal government will follow Wisconsin’s example.”

“The La Crosse Area Veterans Mentor Program is excited and thankful to see Congressmen Gallagher and Kind supporting peer-to-peer services for veterans. Our organization has been gifted with the opportunity to witness the life changing impact of peer support. Social integration is difficult for some veterans who may have unidentified or unaddressed mental and behavioral health issues. Veteran Mentors are capable of engaging with veterans, encouraging him or her to seek assistance and empowering the veteran as they build healthier, more enjoyable lives,” said Dustin Schultz, Executive Director of the La Crosse Area Veterans Mentor Program.

“Veteran to Veteran peer support has been very helpful easing the transition to civilian life among our student veterans on campus,” said Elaina Koltz, President of Bravo Company. “This is why I believe in the mission of Bravo Company, N.E.W. Veterans Battalion. Trust comes quicker between those who have served. This trust opens communication and helps to solve transition problems. Matching up a veteran new to the area with another veteran knowledgeable about resources is key.”

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