Contact: Luke Fuller (608) 266-7513
Special Interest Handouts for left-wing groups paid for by Taxpayers
Madison, WI – Senator Duey Stroebel (R-Cedarburg) released the following statement following Governor Evers’ Budget Address:
Governor Evers spent much of his speech tonight highlighting the voices he heard during listening sessions. While the voices of his liberal base in Milwaukee and Dane County can be heard quite clearly, some Wisconsin voices seem to be conspicuously absent.
Governor Evers school choice freeze is a direct assault on Wisconsin historic and successful school choice program. Without this program, children across Wisconsin will be trapped in schools that fail to meet their educational needs. This change would have a devastating effect on Wisconsin’s students that will have a ripple effect for years to come.
Also missing is the voice of the working families and job creators that would foot the bill for Governor Evers’ budget. Working families will face a 20% gas tax increase immediately and an escalating tax each year moving forward. The Governor also wants to raise taxes on manufacturers throughout Wisconsin, raising the costs for employers as they try to create family supporting jobs.
Governor Evers would use these tax increases and others to fund a litany of special interest handouts to his liberal allies. He would redirect tax dollars to Planned Parenthood and make in-state tuition at the UW System available to illegal immigrants.
Governor Evers budget would substantially grow state government by raising taxes and expanding state government. These changes would result in greater government interference in our lives and less freedom for future generations.