Contact: Luke Fuller (608) 266-7513


Madison, WI – On Wednesday, the State Senate passed the 2019-21 budget after hours of floor debate.  Senator Duey Stroebel, (R-Saukville) issued the following statement in support of the state budget:


“This budget is far from perfect.  It represents the reality of divided government in Wisconsin, melding Governor Evers’ ridiculous budget proposal and what fiscally responsible legislators wanted.  We have reshaped the Governor’s budget to best fit within the means of state taxpayers.


“This budget spends more than I would propose, but less than the Governor asked for.  This budget cuts income taxes, not in the exact way the legislature or Governor Evers would have done it, but in a way we should all be able to support.  This income tax cut will put over $400 million back in the pockets of taxpayers, and that’s a win for Wisconsin.  Every one of these dollars helps constrain the growth of Wisconsin’s government bureaucracy. 


“Governor Evers proposed a variety of bad policies in his budget, including capping the enrollment at high performing choice and charter schools, giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants and repealing Right-to-Work.  I fought alongside my Republican Colleagues to remove these harmful policies, preserving the reforms of the last eight years.  These reforms will continue to benefit all Wisconsin residents. 


“I am proud of the increased accountability at the UW-System created in this budget.  The UW-System will submit plans to the Joint Finance Committee before receiving most of their new funding, ensuring transparency and oversight for these expenditures. 


“I urge Governor Evers to sign this budget and not degrade it with vetoes.”

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