Many services are available at the Rock County Job Center, 1900 Center Ave., Janesville, WI, to assist those individuals who have lost their jobs due to business cutbacks or closings.

Recent cutbacks or closings at businesses such as Staples, Boston Store, Sears, Dress Barn, Kitchen Collectibles, and others have left many employees looking for assistance in locating new employment opportunities.

Among the services available are assessments of skill levels; training, re-training and supportive service assistance; assistance with unemployment applications; referrals and coordination with other programs and services; workforce preparation activities; financial literacy services; job-search assistance; training/retraining assistance; internships and work experience programs; and English language education, among others.

Those who would like to meet with a person to explore the assistance possibilities are asked to contact WIOA Career Specialist Samantha Larsen at (608) 741-3511 or email at

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