Contact: Logan Vidal (608) 266-8570
Madison – Tonight from 5:30 – 7PM at the Goodman Community Center in Madison, Rep. Jimmy Anderson will join Department of Health Services Secretary-Designee Andrea Palm and Dane County Legislators to discuss the Medicaid Expansion in Wisconsin. Rep. Anderson released the following statement:
“The Medicaid Expansion is the key to providing quality healthcare in Wisconsin. Not only would the Medicaid Expansion provide coverage to an additional 82,000 Wisconsinites, but it would unlock the resources we need to make healthcare in Wisconsin more accessible, more affordable, and more effective. It will give people the healthcare coverage they need to survive, reinvigorate the many programs that have been starved for the last eight years, and give us the flexibility to try new ideas and reform healthcare in our state.
Here is just a small sampling of policies that the Medicaid Expansion would allow for:
“We could more effectively fight the scourge of infant and maternal mortality that has plagued our state and upended the lives of so many African American women in Wisconsin, particularly here in Dane County.
“We could provide reasonable reimbursement rates so that doctors could actually afford to see our state’s many Medicaid recipients.
“We could expand access to dental coverage for those who have never been able to see a dentist.
“We could keep our rural hospitals from closing so that no matter where you live, you have access to the healthcare services you need to live a healthy and productive life.
“We could expand mental health care services across the state to fight opioid abuse, depression, and suicide.
“We could provide fair wages for our nurses and home healthcare workers who are vital to the well-being of the elderly and those with disabilities.
“Not to mention, the Medicaid Expansion would free up state funds so that we could make much-needed investments in education and our roads.
“Expanding Medicaid would make Wisconsin a fairer, healthier, and more prosperous place to live. Let’s join the 36 other states and pass the Medicaid Expansion today.”